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Motivation – Brought to You By a Case of The Mondays

2 Jul

My Monday could use some motivation. How about yours? Yeah, thought so.

love on many levels

true story. there are no shortcuts.

this carrd had my name all over it.

let’s end the inspiration on a joyful note!

Now I’m ready for yoga and a run tonight! How about you?

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

25 Jun

Hello, my friends! I’ve missed you! But not too much, because I was in MEXICO!

How was our trip? Hit or miss, to be honest. But at the end of the day A and I were able to laugh about it and make the best of all the curveballs we were thrown, and thoroughly enjoy celebrating our six-year anniversary. We came back rested, reconnected, and tanned. Here are some of the highlights:

pirate ship!

a is a fish in the water

and he snorkeled with a pirate ship

i learned to paddleboard! i spent most of my time on my knees, but…

i did get up! a snapped a shot right before i took a nosedive and got a salt water sinus rinse. but I kept on trying and got a great workout!

a with el capitan

My So-Called Quote

6 Jun

my tribute to flannel, teen-angst, and the mid-90’s

We’re Back, and Better Than Ever!

23 Apr

Oh, and when I say we’re back, I do mean we. A’s officially done with tax season, and he’s promised me that he’ll be putting his foot down about working crazy hours on the projects he has coming up. He’s planning on being home at four all this week, and I couldn’t be happier. I always know that having him home will be a huge relief, but I forget the feeling of peace and all being right with the world until it happens.

Per usual we made our annual trek down to the ever-gorgeous Carmel-by-the-sea (it’s not a town, it’s a lifestyle), with one small change. Make that two small changes. We took our doggies with us! Something I’ve wanted since we got Logan almost three years ago. We had a great time, the four of us. We discovered that Martigan – the newest – likes to show bigger dogs that he can still act tough even though he’s on a leash (something to work on) and doesn’t like when I leave him. Not to the point of being annoying, but he would whine and do his ‘talking bark’ very softly whenever I walked away to get us coffees or go into a shop. A and I have never been out in public with him other than taking the dogs for a walk, so this attachment was a new revelation. I would be lying if I didn’t say it melted my heart a little bit.

I thought about doing another One Day picture story, and then thought “meh.” Why spend a perfectly lazy weekend with my man worrying about a photo per hour. So instead a took a picture when I thought about it. If it looks like we read a lot, ate a lot, and drank a lot, that’s because we did.

my handsome man, it's so good to have you back!

a great start to the 11am.

my littlest dog learned the fine art of waiting under tables while his owners were being boring.

logan, our sunshine boy, found patches of light to lie in wherever possible.

trying wines at one of our favorite garden hangouts. the dogs weren't impressed with the vintages, but loved the all-natural seaweed treats their sweet staff offered them.

can you see the relief? the peace? yeah, we can too.

It’s good to be back, I’ve missed you all! How was your weekend?

Come On, Get Happy

5 Apr

Ladies and gents, it’s been a long week. And it’s only Thursday. So I thought you might be able to use a pick-me-up as much as I do. I raided my Pintrest Boards for things I’ve collected that make me smile. I hope they lift the corners of your lips today, too.

click each image for their pinterest page and origin links.

savage chickens

my manifesto

sometimes i feel this is all i can hope for

ooh baby baby

bow ties are cool

i love it when t-rex tries!

it really is time


and again, amen

i want to see these lights someday

it really is that simple

my current favorite pic of a and i. hawaii, five year anniversary.